Contrary to what many believe forums are not just there for the  consumer, there are in fact some excellent forums around the world for the business community and for those who are involved in the industrial business there are plenty of forums which you may wish to get involved with. Forums are a great place to share ideas, concerns and queries, and they have proven to be very beneficial to a lot of people across the industrial sector.

To inspire you to get involved with one of these forums, here are just some of the things which a forum may be able to help you with.

Best Practices

Whilst the parts and the output of so many factories and manufacturers are the same, we are often far more alike than most realize in the industrial side of things, no matter if you have an industrial laundry site or a plant manufacturer. This enables us to share best practices across the web so that we are able to increase efficiency and productivity.

Seeking Parts

Not everyone in this area of business can afford the news machines and equipment and a constant challenge for those who do buy second or third hand is that parts are often rendered obsolete. Those who create the machinery in the first place however will often create very similar parts in new products which they create, and they can often work in place of the original parts. Instead of a business being forced into buying new machinery and equipment, the forum may very well help them find the place where they can obtain parts to get their equipment up and running.


Many of the forums are great communities which you can find plenty of goods to buy and sell. In many cases this is the best place to go if you are looking to get rid of equipment or to obtain new machines for your workplace. There are plenty of people out there looking to trade, many of whom may be closer than you think.


Something else which we have seen take place in these forums is the migration of staff between one company to another. it is not uncommon to have a specialized worker who is relocating and then have their company put out a communication to businesses in the area which may be looking for an employee with those type of skills. Through the forum we can easily move talent around the industry.


Many of the businesses which operate on forums have been in the game for a long while and they are able to offer help and advice where possible to newer companies. The beauty of most companies working within the industrial sector is that there is very little competition between companies owing to the fact that they are producing very different things, and the result of that is that they are more helpful than you may believe.

Online forums really are for everyone, why not try it out and see how you get on? You never know, you may find some real value in it.

Rich Seigel - Author

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